Friday, August 24, 2012

Buzzin' and Cousins'

Last night we came back from "Pop's House" and were walking the beach and felt itchy all over.  I looked down and thought I saw a flea on me.  Andy thought the same thing.  We had been meaning to get our dog, Lady, a hair cut while the movers were packing, but we canceled our scheduled appointment when the movers finished early and we decided to go to Harper's Ferry.  So, thinking we were covered with fleas, we quickly ended our walk on the beach to race home to take showers and check the dogs for fleas.  On the way we made a grooming appointment for Lady.  Sure enough when we got home, no fleas…
How can you tell you are no longer a Floridian?   When you confuse no-see-ums for fleas.
Lady (before)

That night, Anne got to play with her Cousins on the beach and Pops surprised the kids with s'mores on the beach at a place that has gas fires outside on the walk from the house to the beach.  It was great and it was Anne's first s'more of the camping trips to come.  All the kids had a blast playing on the beach and eating the s'mores on the way back.  Anne's cousin Michael was even nice enough to share his ice cream cone with her while we waited for the s'mores pack.

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