Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lawyers, Guns, and Money

Today Andy was able to work with our bank and agree on terms for our short sale.  We have been set with one bank, but our second mortgage company, has been harder to work with.  We finally agreed on something, not ideal but a way forward at least, the day the first mortgage company's offer was going to expire.  Whew…. 

On top of that, Andy worked with our perspective landlord on some conditions that we didn't feel comfortable with, and we now have an address in Seattle!  I'm really excited about the location of the house (it is within walking distance to the library, public pool, community center, and grocery store)!  But, I think at this point, any house would be a relief, just to have an address and not be stressing over it during our trips and time with family.  We have a place, and I'm excited!

Since the movers were so quick, we decided to do a trial run with the camper to make sure the car can tow it well, there are no leaks, and no issues all around.  I've wanted to go to Haper's Ferry, WV for a while, the only time I tried to go there with Anne it was raining so we didn't really explore (Harper's Ferry was an armory and weapon-making mill-town after the Revolutionary War and through the Civil War).  We left late because we were dealing with everything else, plus Andy went to the office.  We got in to our camp site around 9pm.  The camper was up and ready in less than 2 minutes.  The only issues were that the back up camera's angle is a bit wide compared to a normal rear-view mirror and I could be a better guider for back in parking at night.  We quickly realized that organization in the camper will make it much easier and we are going to put clothes in the drawers and food under the benches (Anne's tent takes up the already limited floor space which makes it tough to find any place to stand).  We did forget to bring toothbrushes and a change of clothes for Anne… oops.  We had fun at Harper's Ferry the following morning and I would call the day and trial run a success.

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